Good Friday

Good Friday, since doing profession of faith, has meant so much to me.  However one service will always stand out for me that I went to, and to be honest I have compared all other Good Friday services I have ever been to it.  None have come close to the power of the Holy Spirit moving in that Church, that morning.

The Church had been blacked out, all the windows blacked out,  Lights were only on as we sat down, the stage had candles lighting it, a torch to one side.   A scene set on stage of simplicity.
The service began with the soldiers coming in to collect Jesus as he prayed, they acted out the scene of the soldier getting his ear cut off, and taking Jesus away, who remained silent.  Between Each scene of the play they did that morning, we sang old hymns, and newer praise music as well.  Or they had a soloist,  each song, so fitting to each scene.   As they played out the scenes, my heart and the hearts of all those who sat reflecting and seeing with our eyes a beautiful display of God's talents running through the actors, and church members I had known most of my life.  The last scene will always stay with me.  Jesus's mother, sobbing and then the song, done by a soloist.  " Mary did you know?" Mostly known for being a Christmas song, but it could not have been more fitting.  People on that Day, didn't know of the Grace and Mercy that was being poured out on them, they simply were unaware of it.  Some had heard of Christ, but some had not, they had fallen into the mob mentality of shouting Crucify him, and when it was finished simply went about their day.  However, those who loved Jesus, and who were closest to him, were wrought with misunderstanding, and guilt and fear.  He claimed to be the Messiah, but yet he just died on a cross, the son of God, died the criminals death.  No Victory, No miracle, No breaking off the chains. Just suffering, and piercing flesh, and dying an incredibly  horrific death. In those hours just after his death, the anguish must have be horrendous.  For his disciples, his mother, and his devout followers. Soon as the song was done the church, went black and a Bell rang out 33 times, and we left the service. Where is the Messiah Now?

Isn't it true for us yet today, when our prayers for life are not answered and someone we love or people die, in which we have lifted up in prayer; that our reaction is one of disbelief, anger, anguish and perhaps guilt.
My mother suffered for the last few weeks of her life, battling the ravaging cancer that was spreading and taking over her 48 year old body.   She begged for life, we begged for life, and yet, in her devout faith, she knew that people were praying for healing here on this earth, but here was the difference. I asked her if she was afraid to die.  She said no.  She was afraid of leaving those who's hearts were beginning to trust God, and who's hearts truly believed that God would heal her.  She truly believed it herself that God could heal her, but she also knew that her healing may not be in this world, but would come over her as she walked into Heaven's gate.  She feared that those who loved her most, would be left feeling abandoned and heart broken, and frankly outraged that she had died.   She was completely justified in that fear, she knew her children well.  She knew her friends well, and she knew the heart ache that would be left behind her absence.  
It takes me back to Jesus.  Back to the Garden after he was betrayed.  He knew the anguish his death would cause.  He also knew the healing that Sunday would bring. His suffering would be the stepping stone to His father, for the people he loved.  What amazing grace that is, to choose to die, for sins of those you love, and those yet to come for generations.  He knew the abounding love that God was about to pour out on the world, but we were blinded by our doubts, fears and grief.   Good Friday, leads us to the question,  are we willing to let God take control of our fears, doubts and griefs that life brings?  There is no way around it, death is a part of our lives, disease, famine, war, hunger.  Are we willing to give our very lives into God's hands  and believe that He will never leave us or forsake us? Are we willing to grieve knowing that God has a plan, not to hurt us, when prayers may not be answered according to our wishes, but according to God's plan.
   Good Friday has a complete brokenness to it.  The claimed Messiah, who had preformed miracle after miracle, who proclaimed such amazing truths,  who walked with tax collectors and healed the most vile diseases, who changed the very way that people viewed each other, who ruffled feathers, and created the very mission Christians are on today, was dying.  God's own son, was dying.  That hangs around my neck, like a noose, I put him there.  My sins held him down, and he could have taken himself of the cross, but he didn't. God did not spare him on that day.  God laid him down, a lamb to slaughter, for me.  If I did not know what Sunday would bring, and I did not know the weight of my sin like I do now, if I was Mary of Magdalene and covering my Messiah's body in Linen, I would feel so broken, so lost, and so afraid.  It was Finished.  What Finality for her heart, what loss.   But Sunday is coming, the stepping stone to Life EVERLASTING is coming back, she just didn't know it. But we Do!!!!   What Victory, what Grace, what Mercy is already ours.  Hallelujah!  Hallelujah!


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