6 Truths about Postpartum Recovery

We all have seen that new mom, walking around the grocery store with her brand new baby,  in that brand new stroller, with her brand new very sore bottom,( you can tell by the waddle) but she is out there, because she needed to get out, and she needed to show off her new baby.  I know because that was me. After 7 years of infertility I couldn't wait to get out of my house and show off my beautiful baby girl lady Tor Tor.  I was tough as nails, besides that if my mom could battle terminal cancer I could surely go to the grocery store 3 days after giving birth by forceps and episiotomy, feeling like my lady bits were on fire.  I was going to do it, because I could, but I paid a price.

Postpartum truths. 

1.)  SORE AND STIFF, and Very loose ligaments, which usually means pain in your pelvis and hips. Your Body just went through one heck of a battle to get that baby out.  If you had an Epidural, you may not be aware of just how hard your body had to work. If you didn't, your much more aware of locations of stiffness and soreness.  Your back, pelvis, Ab muscles, and shoulders, and arms even your jaw, and face just went through and incredible work out. I know, I am 6 days out and I am so sore.  I also had back labour, which has stiffened my back and pelvis up so much that walking, and sitting are hard.  My body is weak, from all the strain. It takes time to heal, and recuperate very tired, and stretched muscles, and ligaments. Also your Lady bits are going to be sore, there is just no way around it. When you push a 5 pin bowling ball out your body, or have it cut out of your body, you are going to be sore. If you had tearing or episiotomy, then you will feel pretty tender.  One way to combat this is to make some sanity pads with moist with water and freeze them. ( open the pad, but leave the backing on, make it moist to the touch, fold it back up and freeze it) Put this in your underwear or hospital underwear, and it will still give you some protection, but will help with the swelling or soreness you have going on down below the belt. It feels so good!

2.) You will bleed A lot!!. Bleeding is normal, especially if you had a large placenta, or baby, also another factor for how long you will bleed and how much is how fast you do to much. Also be aware of how much your are bleeding after birth too, if you are soaking a pad front to back in less then an hour, you should get yourself checked out ASAP.  I haemorrhaged after baby number 3, it is no game,  I needed a blood transfusion 12 hours after having baby, I felt awful, and it lasted for weeks after.  I have never felt so crappy in all my life.  You may feel like you are going through pads like crazy. I changed my pads A LOT, this is because I am prone to bladder infections after birth from wearing Sanitary napkins for what feels like forever.  Another factor in the amount and how long you bleed is the more you do, before your body is ready the more chance you have of dragging out the bleeding for weeks. My first two births I bled for nearly 10 weeks with one and nearly 12 with the other. The birth that I was forced to take it easy, bleeding was over in 3 weeks.

3.)You will be exhausted. The labour, Surgery or however the baby comes out, it takes SO much physically out of you.  The first 24 hours you run on adrenaline but soon after that high dissipates and you are left with the reality that you need sleep, but that little one is still going to be hungry, and need to be fed, changed.  Have help around if you can for about a week.  Rest, REST REST!!! As much as you can,  when baby is napping especially with your first baby...you should be sleeping too! If you have multiple children, I so strongly suggest that you hire a sitter if you can to come and help with kiddo's or a family member or have your kids out of the house all together for about a week.  TRUST ME!!!  This is time that you can rest, physically and emotionally and bond with your newest arrival.  This being my 4th, I would have loved to have my kids out of the house for a week, however I had my kids back in my arms after 24 hours.  It has been a little much, and I am paying for it in soreness, bleeding, and exhaustion. Another thing to combat the exhaustion is eating properly.  After having a baby it is hard to fit in eating and providing for your own needs.  This is vital if you plan on nursing...you don't feed you....You won't be very good at feeding your baby. Your milk will come in, but the quality may not be what baby needs, so make sure that you get your calories in, and your nutrients to provide what your body needs to recuperate, and to feed baby at the same time.  I have never been more hungry in my life then when I am nursing a baby.  EAT IGOR!!!

4.)Using the bathroom sucks! WATER and Fibre are your friend.  Drink drink, drink!!  If you tore or had an episiotomy you will be thankful for having watered down urine.   Another trick of the trade is the peri-bottle.  This is a water bottle you fill with  warm to cool water and you spray it on your hooch, as you are peeing, it makes the burning you will feel not so intense.  When it comes to going number 2, water will also be your friend, this helps to soften stools....also if your doctor or hospital gives you stool softeners, TAKE THEM!!!  Your vaginal wall, and perineum( the skin between your vaginal opening and your anus) will thank you.  If you are lucky enough not to tear, then peeing shouldn't be to big of a deal for you, but pooping could still be a challenge, as things down there are still going to be tender. If any of you are prone to Haemorrhoids, birth can bring those suckers on....and they are NASTY!!   Take suppositories they will last longer and give you relief sooner then just the creams. Those two friends above will help with that as well.

5.)  You will be weepy, and emotional. Birth is a Huge emotional rollercoaster, all the fears and anxieties leading up to the birth, the Overwhelming labour, c-section, what ever and however your babies birth occurs and accomplishment that you feel when it is all over.  However, if your birth is Traumatic or scary, all those emotions will come back to the surface at some point in time.  Give yourself the Grace Space to let it out, and know that hormones, and emotions are all part of this weepiness!  Birth is and takes a lot out of those who have conquered it and it also can take a toll on those around us that have to pick up the slack, or were there to see us go through it, just remember that husbands and partners don't feel the pain, but they had to see the pain you just went through, and that can be overwhelming to them as well.  So give each other the grace space, to come to grips with the miracle that just occurred.  Most people get really emotional when leaving the Hospital, which is usually after 24 hours after the birth, for most places unless you had a c-section.  Then expect to be there a full 36-48 hours, or longer.  But for me this time around I had home Birth, I was oddly not that emotional this time around,  I was able to take what was going on around me in differently then other births. I watched my hubby and looked down at my baby, and thought, Holy cow its over, I am done, I will never have to do this again. ;)  I was emotional while in labour, missing my sister in law very much, and I was afraid of what I was about to do. It turns out Home Birth was everything I could have asked for.  I will have my break down yet, I know its coming as the hormones settle, and I get in to our new routine, the emotions will come out, some how in some way!

6.) You will be Flabby. I mean this in the most loving terms. After baby comes out, that skin on your belly, has no where to go.  It hangs, it is stretched out and beautiful...after all you gave birth.. Your skinny jeans are probably not going to fit for a few weeks, but with time things shrink back down.  I was in my regular jeans with in a month of having all my babies, now I wasn't always to please with the flabby skin, and stretch marks, but lets face it....Those beautiful lines on your belly are badges of honour, you just risked your life to bring one into this world...yup thats what I said, there are so many miracles that take place in the making of a baby.  Dealing with some stretched out flab, is just one of those things, that comes with giving Birth. Give your self about 6 weeks and approval from your health care provider before starting out your workout routine, to win back your body, which sorry...will never quite be the same. The Bladder just won't be able to have the same control, the abs will never be quite as tight, and those hips will never be the same either.  Birth changes us, in more ways then one.  But take heart....millions of women around the world are just the same as you, and in generations before you as well.  So let the flab be...what it will be in the weeks shortly after birth, and enjoy your little one!
3 weeks postpartum with baby #3

There are many things that occur when giving Birth, I am not one for sugar coating birth.  Its tough, and its rough, and it can be really ugly. But it also is beautiful, amazing and miraculous, and I am so proud to be mommy to 4 beautiful little girls. I have conquered birth 4 times, and each one was so different from the next, but these 6 truths have been my reality all 4 times, recovery is not easy, and it is hard to give our bodies the time, especially if you are a mom to more then one baby, life is busy, and crazy.  Birth gets put on the checked list, when the recovery is something we don't always want to think about, but it is important to put ourselves first, and care for ourselves. If you can't take care of yourself, then how are you going to take of your beautiful family.  It is my prayer that all new momma's and momma's adding to your blooming family, that you will give yourself the Grace Space, to allow your body to heal, to be proud of what you have accomplished, and know that the journey of Motherhood, is amazing, and exhausting, but those sleepless nights, and the messy house, are a Blessing.  It means you are a mommy, and there is NO more important job then that in my books.   Blessings!!

Mommy AK


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